Young Volunteers
Volunteer opportunities for young people aged 10 to 17 years old
Our Young Volunteer Programme is very much driven by our young people. In fact, it was their idea! The Young Volunteer programme was born when children attending a residential trip wanted a way to contribute and earn Play Gloucestershire t-shirts and hoodies.
Most young people start by informally helping us at play in their home community. Some then sign up to our Young Volunteer Programme, logging their volunteer hours and achieving milestones with rewards such as a polo shirt, head torch, the coveted hoodie and ultimately a place on one of our training camps.
Feel Good
Our Young Volunteers realise that doing good makes you feel good, and enjoy the satisfaction of being a valued part of our play team.
Skills Development
Teamwork, communication, confidence, resilience and independence are just a few of the important life skills our young volunteers develop.
Young people from a whole range of backgrounds and abilities meet and make friends.
What Do Our Young Volunteers Have to Say?
Logan, 11
“Before I was asked if I would like to become a young volunteer, I was timid and very shy. However, after I was asked I became more confident in myself and around others. Since becoming a young volunteer I have made new friends, learnt how to build dens and enjoyed every moment of being a young volunteer, I will carry on being a young volunteer for as long as I can.”
Nathan, 14
“Before I became a young volunteer I was always bored, sat on my Xbox and rarely went out. Two years on I can’t believe the amount of great people I’ve become close mates with and the amount of places that I’ve been and hours I’ve volunteered”
Taz, 11
“I have made lots of friends and had the opportunity to do things I don’t think I would have done otherwise. I have got more confident and it really helped when I changed schools from primary to secondary going from a small school to a very big one. I find it easier to make friends and talk to people because I’m a volunteer”
Molly, now Play Ranger Apprentice
“When I lost my Mum, I sort of shut myself away from the world. Becoming a Young Volunteer allowed me to open up again. Volunteering with Play Gloucestershire has been like therapy for me.”
What Can You Earn?
Kit Bag

Polo Shirt

Head Torch
