Community Play Rangers
Developing playful communities – Everyday adventures full of friendship and fun.
Our dynamic Community Play Rangers take play out to where children live, in our fleet of five vans, loaded with active and creative play equipment. Whether it’s a large urban housing estate or small rural village we are the people that make play happen. Since we started delivering play in 2008, more than 11,000 children have made over 100,000 play visits in 84 Gloucestershire communities. We pride ourselves on being kind, reliable and lots of fun. We only play outdoors, whatever the weather all year round. A typical play session in a local park might involve some ‘jumpers for goalposts’ sport, tag and den building, dressing up and face painting, giant bubbles and campfire cooking. Whole families join in the play and we welcome disabled children, making sure that there is something for all ages and abilities. Our free open access sessions take place both after school and during school holidays. You can check where our latest play sessions are here
“Every village in the entire world should have Play Rangers. It allows you to come outside and brings everyone together. It really is a nice idea”.
“Play Rangers can turn a bad day into a good day”
“Play Rangers is probably the best thing in my life at the moment”
“In an ideal world there would be a team of Play Rangers in every area of our district”.